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Author Archives: David Glassman

Taking Steps to Avoid Probation Violations in Pennsylvania

A common misconception about violating probation in Pennsylvania is that a judge is required to award you credit for time served. This is untrue. When you violate probation, a judge has the authority to restart the probationary period from day one or, alternatively, to reinstitute the sentence that had been set aside in favor of… Read More »

Expunging Your Child’s Juvenile Criminal Record in Pennsylvania

  A juvenile arrest and conviction can cost your child job opportunities and educational prospects. You need to contact a Philadelphia juvenile criminal defense attorney to have a record of arrest sealed or expunged, after an appropriate period of good behavior has passed since your child has been discharged. Keep in mind that the expungement… Read More »

Professional Liability after an Arrest Related to a White Collar Crime

  The stigma accompanying accusations of professional wrongdoing can be difficult to overcome without the right Philadelphia white collar crimes attorney by your side especially when your career and your professional reputation are on the line. As an executive, a real estate investor, a bookkeeper, a financial planner, a certified public accountant (CPA) or a… Read More »

Pennsylvania’s Passage of Senate Bill 100 Expands Definition of Crime of Violence, Reducing Possibility of Prerelease or Diversion

Governor Tom Corbett’s passage of a prison reform bill in Pennsylvania on June 5, 2012 was aimed at dealing with the problem of prison overcrowding and the ineffectiveness of incarceration for drug- or alcohol-addicted nonviolent offenders.  However, portions of the reform bill are now being widely criticized for being converse to the law’s stated purpose…. Read More »