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Author Archives: David Glassman

When Is a Crime Prosecuted in Federal Court Rather Than State Court?

  Many crimes can be prosecuted under both state and federal law. So what determines which path prosecutors pick for a particular crime? It turns out that multiple factors affect this decision. Geographical jurisdiction: If your case crosses state lines, you may be looking at federal prosecution. Interstate crimes may include white collar crimes, child… Read More »

Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania: What to Expect When Prosecuted

  You face serious consequences when police prosecute you for the unlawful possession, distribution, cultivation or manufacture of a controlled substance in Pennsylvania. Depending on the quality and quantity of drugs found in your possession, the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Investigation, Drug Strike Force or Drug Task Force may be called to investigate you… Read More »

Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania: What is Drug Trafficking?

  The only thing that separates a simple possession charge from a drug trafficking charge is the amount of drugs seized from your home, vehicle or person. If you possess more of a drug than you could reasonably use yourself, it is assumed that you probably will sell the drug to dealers who will distribute… Read More »

How to Respond to a Misdemeanor Charge

If you are convicted of a misdemeanor crime, you will have to answer “yes” on applications that ask whether you have been convicted of a criminal offense. Do not plead guilty to a misdemeanor crime without consulting a Philadelphia misdemeanors attorney. Depending on the facts of your case, your charge may be reduced or dismissed…. Read More »

Drug Crimes in Pennsylvania: Manufacturing Controlled Substances

  Many criminal arrests for manufacturing a controlled substance begin with warrants to search homes, vehicles, warehouses or suspected manufacturing facilities. Only after police obtain the evidence needed to prosecute can you be charged with a crime. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may be aware that you are under surveillance or under… Read More »

Pennsylvania’s Criminal Statutes Relating to Theft

  The term “theft” includes a broad range of offenses such as: Burglary Robbery Larceny Shoplifting Petty theft Auto theft Embezzlement Theft by deception Identity theft Fraud Looting Deliberately accepting stolen property Penalties for these offenses are serious, and scaled according to the circumstances. If convicted, you could face fines, a prison term, loss of… Read More »

Criminal Consequences for Leaving the Scene of an Accident

  The law is clear. Failure to stop after an accident is a criminal offense with serious criminal consequences. You have a duty to stop the moment you get into a car accident and render reasonable assistance to the passengers and driver of the other vehicle. You are also obligated to contact the police and/or… Read More »

Weapons Possession as a Criminal Activity in Pennsylvania

  Although the Second Amendment protects your constitutional right to bear arms, regulations limit your ability to own or possess dangerous weapons such as rifles, pistols, handguns, semiautomatic weapons, machine guns, knives and other dangerous artillery without the appropriate permits. If you are charged with a gun crime, you need a Philadelphia gun charge attorney… Read More »

Resolving Business Disputes, Quickly and Cost-Effectively

Most business owners hesitate to initiate lawsuits, knowing that the time, expense and damage to relationships with business associates, and even customers, can adversely affect their companies. However, what if there were an alternative to a long, drawn-out courtroom trial?  What if an independent resolution could be reached through out-of-court dispute resolution techniques?  If this… Read More »

In The News

Preliminary Hearing Scheduled for Iveliza Perez